Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Baylor Girls
Posted by
Kate Rushing
10:25 AM
A few years ago when Will interviewed with Baylor we bought the girls Baylor bears and they wanted shirts to match their bears. So, when Will was recently in Texas for school, he bought the girls Baylor t-shirts and Luke an infants hat. Here they are showing off their new t-shirts.

Family Fun
Posted by
Kate Rushing
10:21 AM
On Sunday Steve and Angela and the kids came up to visit. Parker wanted to see Uncle Will play Guitar Hero. I have to say thanks to Steve and Angela for cooking and feeding my family. Otherwise, they would have just had sandwiches (again)! Here are a few pictures from the day.

Monday, July 13, 2009
The Party
Posted by
Kate Rushing
3:26 PM
Today we let Isabelle have two of her friends from church come over for her party. Here are some of the pictures. The cake was already posted. They got to swim and eat cake and open presents.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Giraffe Birthday Cake
Posted by
Kate Rushing
5:50 PM
Here is Isabelle's Giraffe Birthday cake for her party tomorrow. We'll put up more pics tomorrow. This is just the cake that I did.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Can Anyone Find the Hidden Mickey?
Posted by
Kate Rushing
4:53 PM
Here is a profile of Luke. While doing the ultrasound, I kept seeing little bubble looking things and several times they looked like little hidden mickeys. During the big ultrasound on Friday, the tech told me that that was the three chambers of the umbilical cord. That was a neat ultrasound. We could see Luke moving his mouth and sucking as well has him blinking his eyes. We got to see one of his ears and the peach fuzz floating in the amniotic fluid. He does have a little bit of hair, but not a lot. Anyway, I thought Will would appreciate the hidden mickey in this photo.

This Week
Posted by
Kate Rushing
4:49 PM
I had to leave Mobile Wednesday to come home for a doctor's appointment/ultrasound/NST. The doctor just wanted to check the size of Luke because I am a gestational diabetic. Well, instead of being big, he measured small (in the 10th percentile). And apparently with gestational diabetics there is a tendency for the placenta to give out and quit feeding and nourishing the baby. So, to be on the safe side, I was sent to a high risk obstetrician at Baptist Hospital named Dr. Maher on Friday, the 10th. After a three hour doctor visit with the longest ultrasound ever (they have a more detailed and advanced machine and their techs take a lot more measurements and check blood flow from me to the baby, in and out of the baby's heart, baby's cerebellum fluid, etc.) the doctor told me that Luke is measuring small but he is perfectly healthy at this point. I don't have to go back to him, but I do have to keep going in and doing the Non-Stress Tests once a week. So, yippee for that. Also, at my Wednesday appt. with my doctor she told me that I am 3 centimeters dialated already. Oh, and Luke is measuring at 5 lbs. 7 oz. right now. The doctor did say that any time after the 15th, Dr. Doyle could decide that she doesn't want to wait any longer and take him early b/c it is safer for him to be in a nursery and monitored than to have the placenta quit working. I have included a picture of Luke's face from my ultrasound on Wednesday. I know I am not as good at taking pictures of a picture as Will, but here it is. That's it on the baby front.
In the midst of all this, I am now sick. I went to the doctor Thursday to see if I had strep throat since the girls had it three times over the last month. I was negative, but the doctor wanted me to take a round of antibiotics since I am so close to delivery just to be on the safe side. Also, Isabelle has a Swimmer's Ear Infection now that she has started swimming underwater ALL of the time. So, Nana got to come nurse us all back to health and run my household for a week.
In the midst of all this, I am now sick. I went to the doctor Thursday to see if I had strep throat since the girls had it three times over the last month. I was negative, but the doctor wanted me to take a round of antibiotics since I am so close to delivery just to be on the safe side. Also, Isabelle has a Swimmer's Ear Infection now that she has started swimming underwater ALL of the time. So, Nana got to come nurse us all back to health and run my household for a week.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Little Lambs
Posted by
Kate Rushing
7:09 PM
Anna found what she thought was all of her lambs that she has been collecting and decided she wanted to take a picture. After picture time I know we found about five more in her bedroom. Here is the picture.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Influence of Michael Jackson

Monday, July 6, 2009
Posted by
Kate Rushing
10:30 PM
For the fourth of July the girls got sparklers and snaps. Isabelle refused to hold the sparklers but Anna was brave enough to hold them. They did however go through about four boxes of the snaps. It was no Uncle Charlie show, but the girls had a good time.

Bad Birthday Presents
Posted by
Kate Rushing
10:25 PM
For Isabelle's birthday present she asked for a craft kit. So, after me standing in the craft aisle and deciding what I had the patience to help with and what she could do on her own, I decided to get her one of those little mini staplers. I didn't think it was even big enough to get her finger in. Well about two days into the crafts, she stapled her finger and decided that she wasn't going to staple anything ever again and that she never wanted to play with her craft kit again. I think she is finally over it, but for a while I thought we had come upon the worst birthday present in the world.

Posted by
Kate Rushing
10:16 PM
Today, Uncle Wicky caught a chick in his front yard and brought it down for the girls to pet. After the girls got over the shock of there being a live animal in the house they agreed to pet the chick with Wicky holding it. For those of you that don't know, my girls don't like animals at all. They are a couple of chickens themselves (hense the title of the post).

Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Journey To Baylor
I woke up at 2:30 a.m. this morning to get an early start on the long car ride. There are two reason why I decided to leave that early:
1. There is not much traffic!
2. I still had papers to finish and wanted to make sure I got to Baylor in time to work on them before tomorrow.
Overall the trip wasn't so bad. It took 10 hours overall to get from Mobile to Waco. I listened to several sermon podcast and the music on my Zune. I am hoping to get the papers done so that I can go to bed early and be ready for class at 9:00a.m.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Isabelle's Birthday Party
Friday, July 3, 2009
Swimming at Nana & Pawpaw's
Our family is spending the July 4th weekend with Kate's mom and dad. We arrived in Mobile this afternoon and the girls could not wait to get into the pool. Isabelle was excited about practicing her swimming techniques in the "big pool."
Kate and the girls will be staying in Mobile until Wednesday and I will be leaving early Sunday morning for two weeks at Baylor University.
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