For those of you that don't know, the Florida Baptist Convention owns a Motorhome that has been fitted for dental work. The bus travels around the state of Florida providing dental work to low-income families. The local churches screen patients, enlist dentists/assistants, and make the plans for the bus. For the past two years, it has been my job to be the coordinator; although, I must thank all of the help that I had because I certainly didn't do it all by myself. In the past we have had missionaries that travel with the bus, but this year, the full-time missionaries have stopped traveling and there are some retired dentists and assistants that have been traveling with the bus. Since the FL Baptists couldn't find anyone to travel in the panhandle area, they have begun training some locals from different churches to take over this job next year. This was my job this year. I must say that I don't think that my visits to the dentist office will ever be the same. Mrs. Marty and Mrs. Brenda (pictured left) are the missionaries for Central Florida that did our (me and Jenny Lowry) training this past week. In addition to these ladies, I have to thank Jenny (for jumping in feet first to my chaos) and my Mama (for watching mine and Jenny's kids all week).
This week we had five dentists, six dental assistants, two missionaries, and Jenny and myself serving on the bus. We saw 66 patients resulting in $18, 311.00 worth of dental work being done. Seven people came to know Christ thanks to our new evangelism efforts this year. It was an amazing week. Thanks to everyone who helped!
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