Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Silly Kids

Isabelle took this picture. Anna was posing.


Isabelle was playing with something that she wasn’t supposed to be playing with. Please note the mess behind her that she had been “cleaning” for over an hour at this point.


This is Luke’s new favorite spot. He climbs in here about fifty times a day. Sometimes he stands, sometimes he sits. Sometimes he takes toys, sometimes he takes food or a drink. He loves this spot. And he loves to look at me from this spot and smile like he is doing something he isn’t supposed to be doing. He’s a mess.


Me and My Babies

Isabelle was taking pictures. I thought these were sweet.



First Day of School

Let me just start by saying that I am very disappointed at the lack of pictures that I was able to get.  We were running late and the camera lens didn’t open all of the way so all total I only got three good pictures from the morning.


Isabelle is becoming a pro at starting school and I was the only mom taking pictures. So, I guess maybe next year I won’t follow her in to take a picture of her with her teacher. Isabelle’s teacher’s name is Mrs. Floyd. I have heard wonderful things about her so I am hoping for a great year.



Anna decided to be shy (imagine that) and wouldn’t cooperate with us for her picture. But I decided to use it anyway.  After she whined a little about Will leaving she did fine. She has already had a note sent home for taking hand sanitizer to school and putting it on a little girl's head. It seems as though it is going to be one very interesting school year. She has Mrs. Harp, who was Isabelle’s Kindergarten teacher so we are very excited about that.



End of Summer Camping Trip

Will and I decided to take the kids camping right before school started. We went to Krul Lake in Munson, Florida at one of the state parks. It was a very nice campground; nice and quiet. Despite the fact that it rained ALL day Thursday and we had to drive home on Wednesday for church and Thursday to meet the girl’s teachers, it was really fun.


Some friends of ours were also camping there that week so the girls had some friends to play with. Here are a few pictures from our week…


Isabelle and Jada strike a pose.



Anna and Josie after a few roasted marshmallows.



Luke loves the water. Even yucky old lake water.




The slot next to us was vacant so we let Luke play in the faucet drip. This is him trying to catch the water. This was the best entertainment for him. I wish we had one in the middle of our backyard.




We drove over to Bear Lake to look around and the girls couldn’t resist climbing on the statues to take some pictures.




The nature trail at Krul Lake was rather long and it had this really neat bridge over the creek. It would have been so nice if there wasn’t a trillion banana spiders hanging over the walkway.




Our very own biker gang!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Kids Dance To "Take It All"

While Kate was busy grocery shopping, the kids and I decided to play some music while picking up the house. When the song "Take It All" came on, they started dancing and I got out the video camera. I am particularly impressed with Luke's fist pump. He caught on from the girls rather quickly.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Luke’s Special Day

Luke turned ONE on Tuesday and we had his big family party today. Everyone made it except Steve and Angela (we missed you guys) and the Baileys in Seattle (we missed y’all too).  It was extremely hot. At one point on our front porch today it was 105. All the kids stayed in the pool and Luke ran around in the sprinkler.


Luke's 1st Birthday Party


I made his cake. Though my family didn’t think it was very creative, I thought it turned out cute. Here is Luke with his first birthday cake made by his Mama.


Luke's 1st Birthday Party


Luke had a blast! He likes to watch everyone and be right in the middle of all the action. So, he wouldn’t take a nap and he fell asleep during lunch.




Of course when we tried to lay him down he woke back up and wouldn’t go to sleep again. So, we decided to eat cake. Here are a few pictures of Luke enjoying his cake.


Luke's 1st Birthday PartyLuke's 1st Birthday PartyLuke's 1st Birthday PartyLuke's 1st Birthday Party


I have to say, I thought he would have “dug in” a little more than what he did. But he still enjoyed it.


After cake, Luke opened his presents. Well… he opened a few and then decided to play with the paper while I opened the rest of the presents.


Luke's Birthday Party


Here are a couple more pictures of him enjoying his presents.


Luke's First Birthday


Luke enjoys his new ride!


Thanks to everyone for all of the gifts and love today.


Oh, and before anyone asks, Yes! That is a bruise on his head. He thought he’d be smooth the other day and tried to turn on a dime to get back into the bathroom as I was closing the door. He learned that he doesn’t have the skills to make those dime turns and he fell into the door case.

Copyright © Will and Kate's World