I just booked our timeshare for January 2011. We are headed back to Disney World in only 92 days. We are planning to get Luke's first haircut done at the Harmony Barber Shop in the Magic Kingdom while we are there.
Yes, I know it has been a month, but we have been extremely busy and I am just now finding time to make this post. We had a blast and can’t wait to go back.
We left REALLY early in the morning hoping that the kids would sleep most of the way. Well…they didn’t fall back asleep until about two hours into the drive. After an uneventful drive, we made it to the All Star Sports hotel at 10 something. We let Will take a nap while we sent swimming. After the nap and unpacking, we headed to the parks.
We had ten days of non stop fun! We got up early a few mornings…most days we slept late. We tried some new rides and new restaurants. Anna became a roller coaster monster. She loved Tower of Terror and Everest. She even tried to ride them with her little arms up in the air. Isabelle stayed a chicken, we made her go on a few things and the rest of the time she just sat with Nana and Luke and played with her camera. Luke loved watching the people go by and was a great baby.
Even though we wore them out, I think my parents had a good time too! And they were a big help.
Here are a few pictures.
We tried OHANA upon the advice of a nice family from the UK. It was probably my least favorite place that we ate. Atmosphere was fun, but I did not enjoy the food.
This is a cute picture, but Luke’s very next action was to duck his head and try to get away. He wasn’t terrified of the characters, he just didn’t want them to put their mouths on him. I don’t really blame him.
This is our first time meeting Prince Eric. We didn’t do a ton of characters this time, but we tried to do some favorites and some we hadn’t seen before.
This time we did the special meet and greet for Disney Visa holders. It was not so rushed like the others.
Again, we have never met Jesse before, but she is one of the girl’s favorites so Will stood in line in the heat while I went to track down some ice cream for everyone.
Nana promised the girls she would buy them a fan from Japan and this was the picture that we took after Teppan Edo. I think it is really cute.
Teppan Edo is mine and Will’s new favorite restaurant. It was delicious. We can’t wait to go back. Anna and Isabelle ate with their special chop sticks for the entire meal.
Sorcerer Mickey is becoming a tradition for one of our family poses. I think we had a better shot, but I don’t want to go track it down in the oodles of pictures we have from our trip.
My INCREDIBLE Family… Luke didn’t puke on Mr. Incredible this time. That was nice.
Will tries to get a picture of each of the kids next to this tree every time we go.
Will and Luke rode the TTA-People Mover quite a bit.
Marie is Anna’s absolute favorite Disney Character. I think she comes home from Disney with a different stuffed Marie every time we go. At this point, I don’t think there are any that she doesn’t have. I wonder what she’ll get next time.
The girls with Mater and Lighting McQueen.
We love EPCOT!
Daddy ordered a milkshake for his drink and after the second one, he complained that he couldn’t hold anymore. This is what the waitress brought him. Whispering Canyon was his favorite restaurant.
After his second glass of coke, this is what the waitress brought Will!
Tusker House was by far, the best breakfast that we have ever had on Disney Property. Delicious!
My STRONG girls!
This is also a favorite pose. Too bad Isabelle wasn’t looking.
Ahhhh, those famous Mickey Ice Cream Bars. They are a filthy mess!
We saw Pirate Goofy while getting in line for Pirates.
A few years ago we surprised Mrs. Joyce for her birthday with beach pictures of all of the family. Well… now we have Luke and everyone is a little older so we needed new pictures. This time she wanted something different than beach pictures. We used a cotton field this time and had a lot of fun. It was a beautiful day! Here are some pictures from the day.
Thanks to Jenny and Jason for letting us use their golf cart and drive way. And thank you to Uncle Bill and Aunt Debbie for driving over to take the photos.