Friday, June 24, 2011
Luke Reads to Isabelle!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Father’s Day Camping Trip
We went camping for the Father’s Day weekend. We left on Thursday and returned home on Monday. It was fun even though we had to come back for VBS on Thursday and Friday, a birthday party on Saturday and church on Sunday. It was a time for us to get away and enjoy doing nothing.
The first day we were there it rained so the kids had to be cooped up inside watching movies. They all had pillow pets and and blankets so here they are all snuggled up with Luke.
We spent much of the time at the lake since it was so hot outside. Here is a photo of the girls entertaining Luke while Will attempts a flip off the dock.
Here is Will’s photo with the kids for Father’s Day.
We were lucky to get a picture at all because right after, they fell off…
Here is Luke and Will in the water playing. At first Luke wasn’t sure about the arm floaties, but after he got used to the water, he loved it and just wanted to swim back and forth to me and Jenny.
Here is Jason cooking our Saturday meal…boiled shrimp and potatoes and corn…mmm, mmm…. Thanks Jason!
Here are the little girls rinsing off after a swim in the lake. Just look at these personalities!
And here is Isabelle’s melt down fit after five days of playing hard. This crying went on for over thirty minutes. Can you see all of the tear drops on the bed?
We are glad to be home and I am already packing and getting ready for our trip next week.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Anna’s Kindergarten Graduation

Here is Anna and her friend Josie.

We tried to get a picture of Anna getting her certificate from her teacher, but someone walked right in front of us when her name was called. So, she posed with it later.

They had a cap and gown for everyone to take a photo. After I got over the initial grossness of putting that cap on her head after it had been on who knows how many kindergarten heads previously, it wouldn’t go over her ponytail. So, here she is in her gown.

Another year down, the time is flying, and next year I will have a third grader and first grader. Wow! My friend Dennis said on Facebook to enjoy this time now, before they turn into nasty teenagers. He is right! I need to enjoy this time now while we have it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Cousin Connor’s Birthday Weekend
We spent this past weekend at Nana’s house for Connor’s birthday party. He turned three this year. Time is flying!
Saturday morning while Riley was visiting we took some photos of Nana with the kids. We tried to take a picture with Paw, but he cooperated less than the kids and we didn’t get any good photos.
Connor’s party was at a place called the Watermelon Patch. It was so fun. They had lots of indoor play areas and things to do. Luke’s favorite part was the little coaster thing below.
Here is Connor, the birthday boy. I think he has been watching too much Tangled. He ran around with a frying pan the first half of the party.
Here are the girls in a bounce house.
Here is Isabelle being rolled around by Uncle Joshua.
And here is Miss Riley crawling around in the baby room.
The zipline was a favorite of the girls. I was surprised they got on it, but they ended up loving it. Here is Anna; the next one is Isabelle.
And here is the cake that I did for Connor. I wish I could have found a bigger cat and thing one and thing two figures. But this was all I could find.
Happy Birthday Connor!