Will and Steve took forever to blow up the floats that they all brought from home. Then we all had to sit around and wait for Will to take Steve, Angela, and a couple of kids to the drop off point. And after seeing them drive off with Steve in the back of the truck holding down the tubes….

we were a little scared that Will had lost his load.
He eventually came back and we got on the bus to go to our drop off point with the Adventures Unlimited employees. Then it took forever for the other large groups to get unloaded and out of there and then to get our canoes (because Will and Steve wouldn’t help unload stuff). After a slow start to our day, we were FINALLY canoeing and tubing down the Coldwater Creek. Here is our group picture.

Here are some random shots from throughout the day…
Graci and Lydia in a float.

Logan posing for the camera.

Kayden enjoyed digging in the mud.

Grandma and Parker…

Steve and Angela…

Will and Isabelle…

Matthew and Carter raced the whole day to stay out in front of the group. Several times I heard them saying that they were seeing alligators.

Anna spent most of the day floating down the water in her tube.

Shannyn had the only kid that had to ‘potty’, so she got to stand in the woods and hold the toilet paper.

Here is Shannyn and Hannah lounging their way down the river.

For awhile, Scott had this rambunctious group ‘battling’ their way down the river.

Jessica and Parker were just enjoying the down time during one of our stops.

We did see at least two snakes, a couple of turtles, a dog, and people that kept floating into trees. No one tipped over and everyone made it back safe and sound. It was an eventful day I guess. Can’t wait to do it again next year.
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